Photo Galleries for Jekyll

April 8, 2014

I had a trip to London and Iceland several weeks ago, and I wanted to share some of those photos with people. In the past I've put those sorts of photo galleries on Facebook, but some friends don't have accounts there and I figured I could/should just keep my photos with my other personal stuff here.

Unlike WordPress, Jekyll doesn't really have a concept of photo galleries, and since Jekyll is a static site generator it makes things a little more difficult. I looked through several other posts discussing Jekyll photo galleries, but they all seemed a bit more primitive than what I wanted. I wanted to:

  • stick with existing Jekyll paradigms (e.g. markdown file to static page),
  • retain metadata about my photos (e.g. location data, camera EXIF data),
  • support multiple views about my galleries (e.g. photo list, map, slideshow),
  • ensure photos can have landing pages and be easily navigated, and
  • avoid committing images to my git repository.

After giving it some thought, I realized this was going to be a multi-step process.

  1. Script the process of exporting my existing photos to Jekyll-friendly structures.
  2. Find a Jekyll/Liquid plugin to enumerate directories/files and use the results.
  3. Create templates and pages for my gallery and its photos.
  4. Publish the site!

Step 1: Export existing photo galleries (iPhoto)

I take pretty much all my photos with my phone and those photos then get synced up with iPhoto. At the end of my trip, I browse through the photos and create an album of interesting ones. Normally I don't go through and give every photo a title and description, but if I'm planning on sharing them I add brief notes within iPhoto.

I knew my iPhoto metadata was stored in AlbumData.xml, but I've always had poor performance with massive XML data files. I decided to start with a different approach: AppleScript. The following snippet gets me the file paths of all the photos (in order) from whatever album I ask for:

on run argv
    set output to ""

    tell application "iPhoto"
        set vAlbum to first item of (get every album whose name is (item 1 of argv))
        set vPhotos to get every photo in vAlbum
        repeat with vPhoto in vPhotos
            set output to output & original path of vPhoto & "
        end repeat
    end tell
    return output
end run

So, to get the photos in my album named "London-Iceland Trip" I can do:

osascript export-iphoto-album.applescript 'London-Iceland Trip'
~/Pictures/iPhoto Library.photolibrary/Masters/2014/03/13/20140313-154842/IMG_0303.JPG
~/Pictures/iPhoto Library.photolibrary/Masters/2014/03/13/20140313-154842/IMG_0308.JPG

With some tweaks I can get more than just the path to a photo:

osascript export-iphoto-album.applescript 'London-Iceland Trip'
altitude: 16
latitude: 51.50038
longitude: -0.12786667
name: A Classic View
date: Thursday, March 6, 2014 at 4:44:12 PM
path: ~/Pictures/iPhoto Library.photolibrary/Masters/2014/03/13/20140313-154842/IMG_0303.JPG
title: A Classic View
QCon was held at The Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre and this was the view out one of the common areas.

The next piece is to write something which will clean up the output, resize the photos, and write out all the different Jekyll files. For that I created a PHP script since it was going to be easiest for me. Once complete, I then just pipe the export results to the script and specify the image sizes I want:

osascript ../jekyll-gallery/export-iphoto.applescript 'London-Iceland Trip' | \
  php ../jekyll-gallery/convert.php 2014-london-iceland-trip \
  --export 96x96 --export 200x200 --export 640 --export 1280

Once complete, all the resized images are in asset/gallery/2014-london-iceland-trip and my markdown files with the photo details are in gallery/2014-london-iceland-trip and they're easily readable.

Step 2: Jekyll plugin

At a minimum, I wanted to have a listing of all the photos in a gallery index page. After some searches, I found two scripts which became the inspiration for my final plugin. My final plugin looks like:

  match: a pattern to match files within the path (e.g. "*.md")
  parse: whether to load the file and parse for YAML front matter
  path: a directory, relative to the site root, to find files
  sort: a property to search by (e.g. "path")
  An "item" object is exposed to the template with a "page"-like structure.
  If parsing is enabled, the YAML properties are available as "item.title".

Which means I can easily compose a simple photo list with:

{% loopdir path:"gallery/2014-london-iceland-trip" match:"*.md" sort:"ordering" %}
    <a href="/{{ item.fullname }}.html">
        <img alt="Photo: {{ item.title }}" height="200" src="/{{ item.fullname }}~200x200.jpg" title="{{ item.title }}" width="200" />
{% endloopdir %}

I reuse this plugin elsewhere for regular directory listings.

Step 3: Create templates

I've started out with two reusable templates in my _includes directory:

  1. Gallery List – a simple listing of thumbnails from all the photos in the gallery
  2. Interactive Map – an interactive map showing where all the photos were taken

I can pass arguments (like the gallery name) to the include which makes it easy to embed a gallery in any page:

{% include gallery_list.html gallery='2014-london-iceland-trip' %}

Step 4: Publish

After generating everything locally, I just have to do a couple steps:

  1. Commit all the new gallery/2014-london-iceland-trip files (and new templates)
  2. Run _build/aws/ $AWS_S3CMD_CONFIG gallery/2014-london-iceland-trip to upload all the exported JPGs
  3. Run _build/aws/ _build/aws/ $AWS_S3CMD_CONFIG to upload any modifications from the rest of the site

To make things easier for myself and, possibly, others I put the conversion scripts in my jekyll-gallery repo.

Now I'm able to refer people to the gallery or embed the gallery somewhere useful...

Disabled Content
<div style="line-height:0;padding:4px 0 0 1px;">
  {% loopdir path:"gallery/2014-london-iceland-trip" match:"*.md" sort:"ordering" %}<a href="/{{ item.fullname }}.html" style="display:inline-block;margin:3px;text-decoration:none;"><img alt="Photo: {{ item.title }}" height="48" src="{{ site.asset_prefix }}/{{ item.fullname }}~96x96.jpg" title="{{ item.title }}" width="48" style="padding:1px;" /></a>{% endloopdir %}