Comparing PHP Application Definitions
While working to update a PHP project, I thought it'd be helpful if I could systematically qualify significant code changes between versions. I could weed through a massive line diff, but that's costly if many changes aren't ultimately affecting my API dependencies. Typically I only care about how interfaces and classes change in their usage of methods, method arguments, variables, and scope.
I did a bit of research on the idea and found several different questions, a few referenced products, and a short article on the idea. However I wasn't able to find a good PHP (or even generic) option which was open-source and something I could easily try out.
To that end, I made a prototype for a language-intelligent/OOP-diff/structured diff engine that can summarize many of the programmatic changes in an easily readable report which links definitions back to their file and line number for more detailed review...

If I were upgrading my application with a symfony/Console
dependency from v2.0.22
to v2.2.0
, I could generate the diff of definitions with:
git clone git:// diff-defn.php && cd !$
php composer.phar install
./bin/diff-defn.php diff:show --exclude='/Tests/' git:// v2.0.22 v2.2.0 > output.html
$ open output.html
Take a look at several other reports using the default stylesheet:
Behind the Scenes
The logic behind the command looks like:
- Use version control to diff the two versions and see what files were changed.
- Use nikic/php-parser to parse the PHP files in both their initial and final commit...
- Build separate structures for both the initial and final code states.
- Use visitors to analyze definitions, language or application-specific definitions.
- Use some logic to compare the initial and final structures and create a new structured diff with only the relevant definitions that changed (including both old and new).
- Apply a stylesheet to the diff structure to generate human-readable output.
The structures are simple classes which can be dumped to XML. And technically, aside from the step of parsing of PHP files, this is very language-agnostic. For example, the XML representation of the initial or final commit looks like:
<root id="root">
<defn id="source" repository="git://" repository-link="" file-link="" commit-link="">
<defn id="commit" value="8cd00e30f4a13b0c57c5d98613c3dd533bc1c35a" friendly="v2.0.22"/>
<class id="Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall\UsernamePasswordFormAuthenticationListener">
<defn-source id="source" file="Http/Firewall/UsernamePasswordFormAuthenticationListener.php" line="33"/>
<class-extends id="Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall\AbstractAuthenticationListener"/>
<class-property id="csrfProvider">
<defn-source id="source" file="Http/Firewall/UsernamePasswordFormAuthenticationListener.php" line="35"/>
<defn-attr id="visibility" value="private"/>
<function id="__construct">
<defn-source id="source" file="Http/Firewall/UsernamePasswordFormAuthenticationListener.php" line="40"/>
<defn-attr id="visibility" value="public"/>
<function-param id="securityContext">
<defn-attr id="typehint" value="Symfony\Component\Security\Core\SecurityContextInterface"/>
<!-- ... -->
<function-param id="providerKey"/>
<function-param id="options">
<defn-attr id="default" type="array" value="[]"/>
<defn-attr id="typehint" value="array"/>
<!-- ... -->
<function-param id="logger">
<defn-attr id="default" type="const" value="null"/>
<defn-attr id="typehint" value="Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Log\LoggerInterface"/>
<!-- ... -->
<function id="attemptAuthentication">
<defn-source id="source" file="Http/Firewall/UsernamePasswordFormAuthenticationListener.php" line="56"/>
<defn-attr id="visibility" value="protected"/>
<function-param id="request">
<defn-attr id="typehint" value="Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request"/>
And after the initial and final commit are compared, the resulting structured diff looks like:
<root id="root" diff="touched">
<defn id="source" repository="git://" repository-link="" file-link="" commit-link="" diff="touched">
<defn id="commit" value="9e53793548e403c155d28a01153026905ee53d5d" friendly="v2.2.0" diff="changed">
<diff-old id="old">
<defn id="commit" value="8cd00e30f4a13b0c57c5d98613c3dd533bc1c35a" friendly="v2.0.22"/>
<class id="Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall\UsernamePasswordFormAuthenticationListener" diff="touched">
<defn-source id="source" file="Http/Firewall/UsernamePasswordFormAuthenticationListener.php" line="33"/>
<function id="__construct" diff="touched">
<defn-source id="source" file="Http/Firewall/UsernamePasswordFormAuthenticationListener.php" line="40"/>
<function-param id="logger" diff="touched">
<defn-attr id="typehint" value="Psr\Log\LoggerInterface" diff="changed">
<diff-old id="old">
<defn-attr id="typehint" value="Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Log\LoggerInterface"/>
<function id="requiresAuthentication" diff="added">
<defn-source id="source" file="Http/Firewall/UsernamePasswordFormAuthenticationListener.php" line="56" diff="added"/>
<defn-attr id="visibility" value="protected" diff="added"/>
<function-param id="request" diff="added">
<defn-attr id="typehint" value="Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request"/>
Going Further
Being able to parse files and have their differences stored in static, semi-agnostic format allows for some interesting usages:
- search for specific changes, like which class methods have had their typehint changed (e.g. xpath
//class/function/function-param/defn-attr[@id="typehint" and @diff="changed" and @value="Psr\Log\LoggerInterface"]
) - combine search results with other automated tools for updating impacted application code or explicitly requiring reviews for changes breaking compatibility standards
- generating lists about new interfaces/classes, dropped definitions, newly limited scopes
- when using test naming conventions, specifically test and verify the code's tests are run
- instead of simple "lines of code" stats, also track classes/methods/functions
- writing post-commit rules based on definition searches (e.g. email a maintainer whenever a critical class is touched)
Since the analysis and the serialized, static representation are distinct steps, this also allows for custom, application-specific analysis information like:
- in aspect-oriented code, analyzing
and including them in reports - tying code-linting tool results to flag specific methods/properties that have issues
- additional flags to monitor if function logic changed vs formatting/comments (even if the API is unchanged)
And unlike some of the other tools I ran into, the static representation is not itself inherently readable; it needs a stylesheet to make it human-friendly. This makes the results potentially reusable for multiple different reports.
I've published this work-in-progress code to dpb587/diff-defn.php in case you want to try it out with your own PHP repositories. It's certainly not a replacement of reading changelogs and understanding what upstream changes are being made, but I have found it interesting and helpful to identifying breaking changes.